
Introducing the Mentiness Course on Stress

24 de December de 2021
2 min

Introducing the Mentiness Course on Stress

At Mentiness, we’re celebrating.

With Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, we’ve started a new section on our platform with great enthusiasm: learning paths.

In this first phase, we will have several learning paths that include an introductory course and several specific courses each. Each path aims to train you on topics related to psychology. All these topics will help you improve your well-being and that of your teams.

First Stop, First Path

This first learning path we’re launching is on the theme of stress. In it, you’ll learn everything you need about stress and how to manage it. It will also include specific courses on:

  • Bad stress and good stress
  • Stress and productivity
  • Relaxation techniques (with some practical surprises for you)
  • Mindfulness (which also brings a final gift to offer you a complete experience)

Our Purpose

And each of these specific courses will be loaded with interesting information. Their content ranges from scientifically backed relaxation techniques to curiosities about our brain or insights into the neurobiology of stress.

Have you ever heard the phrase “knowledge is power” or “knowledge takes no space”?

Surely you have, right?

In our team, we have those two phrases almost as a mantra that we try to apply constantly. Not only to recycle ourselves and train as professionals day by day but also to offer services and products that have a positive impact on the well-being of employees.

That’s why we have designed three different learning paths, with stress being the first. Because we know that often, risk behaviors, bad habits, or incorrect problem coping are not done just because. They are usually due to a lack of information and unawareness of more useful strategies and tools.

That’s why we provide you with materials from our Health Psychologist. So you can listen, take notes, and gather everything that seems useful to you and can be of help.

Stay tuned, we’ll be revealing more secrets in the coming weeks!

Are you interested in our course section and learning paths?

If you want more information about our work and how it can help your company, leave us your details and we will contact you!